Welcome to my website which is currently mostly an "archive" leading to other interesting websites or projects I feel like deserve more attention and are worth sharing around. This site also serves as my learning playground for web development so it's constantly a work in progress and any tips or criticism is appreciated.

You can call me Bitpy, Bit or even just beep (boop). I'm a hobbyist browsing the web for obscure stuff that might spark my interest or teach me a fun fact that no one cares about. I also like all forms of art, video games, fucking around with virtual machines and breaking my computer in many ways. Feel free to ask me for r/techsupport and I try to help in any way I can. Also if you have something you feel like sharing with me please do! Whether it's a song, website, game or your own creation I'm down to hearing about it!

Email me at bitpybeep@gmail.com

You can also find me on:

My button please download the image instead of hotlinking it we're saving bandwidth thank you
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Not Jam for the font used in the top bar
Good luck to anyone that tries to view this site on mobile.