This section is dedicated for random interesting websites I've found around the Internet. The content is varied and ranges from bug facts to a tutorial on how to make homemade soap. Have fun looking around!
Sorting the table will be available soon.

WebsiteDescriptionTopicsDate added
Six Degrees of WikipediaFinds the shortest path between two Wikipedia articlesfun29.07.2024r
Win98IconsDownload Windows 98 iconsarchive, fun, retro2.08.2024r
Pinball MapMap of public pinball machinesmap2.08.2024r
The Glass MuseumMuseum of glassarchive2.08.2024r
Spomenik DatabaseDatabase of Spomeniksarchive, database2.08.2024r
Sinusoidal TetrisMathematical game of Tetrisfun, games2.08.2024r
Websites from HellList of weird websites on the internetarchive4.08.2024r
Fold'NFlyDatabase of paper airplanes with tutorialsdatabase, fun4.08.2024r
The Retro WebArchive of retro hardwarearchive, retro5.08.2024r
NestflixDatabase of shows within showsdatabase, fun5.08.2024r
ASCII Art ArchiveArchive of ASCII Artsarchive, art5.08.2024r
Waterway MapMap of waterways around the worldmap5.08.2024r
increpare gamesA LOT of small Indie Gamesfun, games5.08.2024r
Infinite CraftInfinite crafting gamefun, games5.08.2024r
16colorsArchive of ASCII Artsarchive, art5.08.2024r
Origami SimulatorMake your own origami in browserfun5.08.2024r
OpenScopeAir Traffic Control Simulatorfun, games5.08.2024r
BugGuideA forum dedicated to bugsbugs, forum5.08.2024r
Bathe in my MilkArtistic project where people bathe in milk (mildly NSFW)art, weird5.08.2024r
Old School PC FontsOld fonts available for downloadarchive5.08.2024r
Anarchist LibraryEverything an anarchist needsarchive, library5.08.2024r
Mr. BreakfastBreakfast recipiesarchive8.08.2024r
Consumer Aesthetics Research InstituteVisual lexicon of various aestheticsarchive, wiki12.08.2024r